Monday, October 25, 2010

IPTV: the problems faced by the outbreak of

Experts and representatives of manufacturers together to jointly plan for IPTV

IPTV with digital TV is opposed? IPTV to the formation of a mature business model, which needs to be done to prepare?

March 30, 2006 China Electronic Information innovative technology sub-annual IPTV Forum, on the IPTV business model discussion overwhelming. How can the advanced IPTV technology, sophisticated solutions and equipment, and reasonable operating modes together organically to create IPTV in the new economy, we all became very concerned about the issue.

Orientation and Choice

IPTV business models in the discussion, first require accurate positioning IPTV. CATR IPTV experts say Yang was the IPTV positioning in the telecommunications business, if no more than the content to attract readers, if business is not with the traditional distinction between the nature of that IPTV is not new business.

Others believe that IPTV is an extension of broadcast television, IPTV, however, there is a interactive, wide network bandwidth requirements, is not now able to take digital television, then television in the IPTV business is accounted for in part. "So, the IPTV only as an extension of broadcast television is also not convince everyone. If the IPTV industry as an independent look, in fact it is just a simple tool, but a new concept of channels, whether it Good to load the user really needs the services, determines the value of IPTV. "Yang think.

So what is the situation of foreign development of IPTV, there is no experience of other countries we should learn from it?

鍖椾含姹夎景鍏徃CEO 銆佹満椤剁洅涓撳鍒樹簹骞虫寚鍑猴紝娌℃湁浠讳綍涓?釜鍥藉鎶奍PTV璺熸暟瀛楃數瑙嗗绔嬭捣鏉ワ紝涔熸病鏈変换浣曚竴涓浗瀹剁殑骞跨數绯荤粺鍜岀數淇$郴缁熷湪IPTV闂涓婂舰鎴愬绔嬨?鈥滀綔涓轰竴绉嶆柊鐨勮璁伐鍏凤紝鍦ㄥ緢澶氬浗瀹讹紝IPTV鐨勮繍钀ュ晢涓嶅厜鏈夊箍鐢碉紝涔熸湁鐢典俊杩愯惀鍟嗗拰鍏朵粬鐙珛鐨勮繍钀ュ晢銆傗?


鈥滆寤虹珛鏈変环鍊肩殑IPTV鐨勫晢涓氭ā寮忥紝鏈?噸瑕佺殑灏辨槸瑕佷粠鏀瑰彉鍘熸湁鐨勭數淇℃垨骞跨數琛屼笟鐨勪环鍊奸摼鍏ユ墜銆傗?鏉ㄨ涓猴紝灏嗚繖浜涗紶缁熶环鍊奸摼涓婂師鍏堝畬鍏ㄦ帉鎻″湪鐢典俊杩愯惀鍟嗘垨骞挎挱鐢佃閮ㄩ棬鎵嬩腑鐨勮嫢骞茬幆鑺傝繘琛岀粏鍒嗘垨寮?斁锛屽湪鏂扮殑瑙嗚鎻愬嚭涓嶅悓鐨勪笟鍔℃ā寮忓拰璁捐鎬濊矾锛屽皢鏄竴涓潪甯搁噸瑕佺殑鎬濊矾銆?br />

鎸戞垬涓庡墠鏅?br />
鏍囧噯鍖栨槸IPTV鍙戝睍涓殑涓?釜閲嶈鐜妭锛屾槸鍦ㄦ妧鏈秼浜庢垚褰㈠悗涓鸿鑼冩暣涓涓氱殑鍙戝睍銆佷骇鍝佺殑鍒堕?鍜屽缓璁炬墍蹇呴』杩涜鐨勫伐浣溿?鏉ㄨ涓猴紝鈥淚PTV涓氬姟铏界劧鐩墠杩樻病鏈夊ぇ瑙勬ā鏅強锛屾妧鏈篃娌℃湁瀹屽叏鎴愮啛锛屼絾鏄湪鍟嗙敤璇曢獙涓凡缁忛亣鍒颁簡涓?簺闂閮藉拰鏍囧噯鏈夊叧锛屾墍浠ユ爣鍑嗘?闇?彁鍓嶅埗瀹氥?鈥?br />

鐒惰?锛屼篃鏈変笓瀹舵彁鍑轰簡涓嶅悓鎰忚銆傚寳浜眽杈板叕鍙窩EO 銆佹満椤剁洅涓撳鍒樹簹骞宠涓猴紝鏍囧噯鍜屽競鍦哄惎鍔ㄥ簲璇ュ悓鏃惰繘琛岋紝鈥滃鏋滄彁鍓嶅埗瀹氭爣鍑嗕笉绗﹀悎浠婂悗鐢ㄦ埛闇?眰锛岄偅灏嗕細闄愬埗琛屼笟鐨勫彂灞曘?鈥?br />


褰撶劧锛屽浜庣溂涓嬬儹闂圭殑IPTV鏉ヨ锛屾墍闈复鐨勯棶棰樿繙涓嶆杩欎簺銆侷n-Stat涓浗鍖烘?缁忕悊Jason Yin鎸囧嚭锛岀敱浜庝腑鍥芥暣涓ū涔愬競鍦轰笉绠楃箒鑽o紝鍐呭缂轰箯锛屼簰鍔ㄥū涔愬拰娑堣垂甯傚満鏁翠綋涓婂苟涓嶆槸澶勫湪涓?釜楂樻疆鏈燂紝寰堝甯傚満灏氭湭鍚姩銆傗?涓浗鐨勫獟浣撲骇涓氭瘮杈冭惤鍚庯紝杩欏湪鏌愮绋嬪害涓婂鑷翠腑鍥絀PTV鍙戝睍涓嶅ソ锛屾暟瀛楃數瑙嗗彂灞曚篃涓嶇悊鎯炽?鈥?br />



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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

3DMax give you a birthday present - one of the sea snail

On my birthday, my sister gave me a fine birthday present - a "conch sculpture." This is the best gift I received. It has also become an inspiration for me yet another three-dimensional. This "Conch" oval shape, overall smoothness, and has dark brown spots of different sizes, front carved with a lead pipe and sing, foot stand big cock, cock head in the upper right side of the carved "chicken", which is more clever is the cock of a leg, the carved words "safe life", the arrangement of words different, particularly in "health" word pricked with the cock's legs prominent phase, very vivid. The following is the production of this "conch sculpture" work the steps:

1, modeling:

1. Conch shape. Conch form is characterized by an ellipsoid, but irregular, need to use the "Loft (loft)" command produced.

First, draw the face section graphics. In "Front (front view)", select "CreatShapesLine (straight line)," drawing command, as shown in Figure 1 drawn graphics.

Figure 1

Then select "ModifyEdit SplineSub-ObjectVertex (peak)" command, adjusting the various points until satisfied. In the "Top (top window)", select "CreatShapesLine (straight line)," drawing command, draw a straight line as a lofting path, shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

Select "Setting Path", select "CreatGeometryLoft ObjectsLoft (Layout)" command, click the "Get Shape (for graphics)" button, and select "Instance (instance)" option in the "Front (front view)" section, click graphics; back to "Loft" panel "Path Parameters (path parameter)" command section, set "path = 50", then select "Get Shapes" section click on graphics; once again set the "path = 100", then click section graphic, the graphic shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

Into the "Left (left window)", select "Rotate (spin)" command, right-click pop-up rotating dialog box, set the "Y =- 90", spin the results shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 (left window in the Y-axis -90 degrees rotation)

Entered in the "Top (top window)", select "CreatShapesLine (straight line)," drawing command, draw the top, as graphics conch, shown in Figure 5, as the X-axis graph graphics fit the use.

Figure 5

Select "Front (front view)", select "CreatShapesLine (straight line)," drawing commands, drawing the graphics shown in Figure 6, as Y axis chart graphics fit the use.

Figure 6


Setting selected object, select "ModifyLoftDeformationsFit (fit)" command from the pop-up dialog box, click the "Display X Asix (shown X-axis)" button, click the "Get Shape (for graphics)" button in the "Top ( top window), "click" as the top section of conch graphics "back" DeformationsFit "dialog box, click the" Rotate 90 CCW (counterclockwise rotation of 90 degrees) "button, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7

Click the "Display Y Asix (display Y axis)" button, click the "Get Shape (for graphics)" button in the "Front (front view)", click the "conch cross section side view graphics", the results shown in Figure 8 .

Figure 8

Close the "Fit" command dialog box, open the "Skin Parameters (skin parameter)" command section, check "Optimize Shape (optimized graphics)" and "Skin (skin)" two orders, shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9

In the "Top (top window)," in the bottom of the groove body drawing conch. Select "CreatShapeLine (straight line) and Rectangle (from the shape)," drawing command, the graphic drawing shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10

Setting out the path for the selected curve into "CreatGeometryLoft ObjectLoft (Layout)" command, respectively, "Path" set to "0" and "100", in the "Top" window, the two sections were selected graphics, the results shown in Figure 11 shows.

Figure 11

Be placed in the bottom of conch by "Boolean (Boolean)" command "cut set", dug a groove, as shown in Figure 12.

Figure 12

Thus, the conch shape modeling completed. Into the "Top (top window)", click the right mouse button select "Smooth + Highlights (high-precision display)" command, select the "Quick Render (fast rendering)" command, rendering the diagram shown in Figure 13 of the conch.

Figure 13

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Grand View eHR followed the situation, to help reform public institutions to promote merit pay

September 2, Premier Wen Jiabao chaired a State Council executive meeting, decided to public health and primary health care institutions and other institutions to implement performance pay reform in three stages. The first step from January 1, 2009 At first, the implementation of the compulsory school; the second step from October 1, 2009 onwards, with the medical and health system, particularly the implementation of basic drugs in disease prevention and control, health education, maternal and child health, mental health, emergency treatment, blood collection, health surveillance and other professional public health agencies and rural hospitals, urban community health service institutions, the implementation of primary health care institutions; the third step from January 1, 2010 onwards, in other institutions to implement.

The institutions to implement merit pay system to another according to work towards the move would be a strong push forward reform of institutions. Early assessment does not involve a number of institutions and wage linked to other, more advanced for the evaluation, selection and appointment of reference. But now, public institutions will be fully implemented "pay for performance" and other national policy requirements linked to performance appraisal and performance pay. With the policy of promotion of public institutions will be fully applied to performance evaluation of the selection and appointment of cadres, the dissemination of performance pay.

Institutions to perform functions and the main administrative in nature are generally not competitive factors, performance requirements, therefore, in the past 360-degree evaluation is a basic evaluation method, but also reflect the assessment of the convenience, accuracy, fairness and impartiality. With the institution of reforms, the introduction of enterprise management mode is growing, enterprise performance management strategy will also gradually learn. How to industry characteristics, job responsibilities, the different sources of funding to develop a practical, industry and job characteristics of the performance appraisal and evaluation system, pay for performance is vitally important to the smooth progress of reform. Performance assessment methods, pay equity reform will directly affect the quality of social services, to develop a fair and equitable assessment and evaluation methods must rely on an effective assessment tool for the implementation of policies to put the whole fair, open and transparent monitoring environment.

Beijing Grand Century Software Co., Ltd. was established in 1998, has focused on information technology in the field of human resources, was successfully constructed several versions of the human resources management software, and strive to accurately grasp the development of human resources management, helping customers use information technology to enhance human resources management efficiency and level. Currently, Grand View eHR system has been successfully applied in Dongcheng District Personnel Bureau, the Chongqing SASAC, Anhui Personnel Department, Yunnan Provincial Department of Education, China Agricultural University, Beijing Stomatology Hospital, Capital Medical University, and many other organs and institutions, its performance evaluation system is also Beijing's law committee, Beijing Higher People's Court, Luan River to Tianjin Project Management Office and a number of agencies and institutions to play a strong assessment process, effectively reducing the evaluation costs while promoting the assessment objectives.

Grand century will continue to improve the performance management programs and institutions to promote the implementation of performance pay reforms and institutions, support the effective promotion of the formation of a reasonable wage level of performance the decision mechanism and improve the distribution of incentives and the distribution of sound macro-control mechanism, to fully mobilize the public institutions staff motivation, improve public services.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Processing performance appraisal fairness and human factors in the relationship between

There is no doubt the result of a fair performance appraisal is the most basic business requirements, after all, if the examination results can not guarantee a fair, employees will be affected mood, thereby affecting the work of the initiative, and laxity of emotional complaints will be spread in the enterprise, this is not business would like to see the results. Therefore, any business in the design of performance appraisal system, they will take a fair as an important factor to consider.

But we also know that performance in examinations is no absolute fairness, because it is closest relationship with people working, the performance results will affect the employee's wages, bonuses, promotions and training opportunities, this one, the most important It is often the pocketbook and the staff closely, therefore, man-made effects will play a significant role in the hit when the interests of employees, as managers, will make a balance and compromise, so that the actual examination results and staff performance can diverge, or Hello, I'm so, Hello everybody, big pot, the result of egalitarianism, or to make performance appraisal a distinction between some managers to rank the tools to make performance assessment to be synonymous with formalism, the so-called performance appraisal only but we do a show together, which distort the original purpose of performance appraisal enterprises, enterprises intended to improve performance through the assessment, without appropriate performance appraisal not only will not play this role, but the employees into low sentiment among the limited enthusiasm in the work to be reactive under extreme conditions, excellent staff may choose to find another job.

So, in a fair and human factors, the company which to choose? There is no doubt that companies will choose fair. Selection is fair, but how to ensure fairness, the enterprise must be considered. Enterprises can not say one thing and do another. Lips said, written on paper, is to ensure fair and practical approach is a serious departure from the ideas of fairness, the staff is the most disappointing.

Recently, I go to a private company to do research, some managers of the company, in the performance appraisal system to ensure fairness in that, but the actual practice of it and the system goes against the provisions. Of the enterprises is similar to the 360-degree assessment method, using discussion of the way to learn to be assessment of the performance of many interviews with those who object to the assessment of performance were not aware, even at work have no connection, such how can we ensure a fair examination results? complaints can be attributed. In addition, managers also cite an example, when year-end evaluation of advanced, democratic evaluation approach is used to rate the candidates themselves did not know many people, so scoring fully seat of your pants, on people they know the rate is relatively high, people do not know a low scoring candidates in the man called Lao Chen's husband, is the oldest employees in enterprises, companies have just created, it came to business, we all know him, So he was as advanced. Said this time, the manager all looked helpless.

Can be seen, when we as a fundamental principle of fairness written into the examination system of the time, it's like all the employees of the company made a commitment, and ability to honor their commitments, the staff is great hopes from the system if companies can not design on and organization of work to do this, then the employees will lose confidence in the assessment of performance, not willing to participate in and even tried with a variety of ways to resist and undermine the system, so that failure.

Since the influence of human factors is inevitable, then the business to do work is to approach it as much as possible to reduce the degree of influence, in order to achieve this, companies should focus on in the design of the system consider the following points:

1, changing the assessment method

Change the original assessment or staff representatives from the Human Resources Assessment for the sequential evaluation, the higher the lower assessment. In fact, in the assessment work, the immediate supervisor is the only right to examine and subordinates who are quite simple, direct superior right to arrange the work of subordinates, subordinates the right to work direct examination, the lower the work may still Shouxian to Wan Cheng Reporting directly to higher authorities, and regularly attend meetings chaired by the higher authorities, to submit work to a higher sum. That is, the direct superior of the subordinate staff to have the best view of observation, the work of employees perform duties and responsibilities of work was most understanding. Then, by direct assessment of superior to subordinate to the best, most convincing.

Enterprises that consider the assessment should be changed more people more able to ensure a fair idea, in fact, who best understand the work of staff, who is the most entitled to appraisal staff, In addition, the assessment is a power, and if the power to Staff had nothing to do the work of other employees, then the power will be abused, directly affect the fairness of assessment results, after all, performance appraisal is not elected representatives of the people, but to improve their work. Therefore, companies need to adjust the assessment in the design of the system the way a group of people change assessment examination for the higher lower, so that the power of homing assessment for managers to assume responsibility for performance management.

2, adjust the examination content

The fundamental purpose of assessment is to help employees improve performance, but to do this, we must help employees understand their job responsibilities and corporate strategic objectives and the relationship between the annual plan so that employees working for enterprises to contribute to the strategic objectives . Therefore, the design of performance indicators, corporate strategic goals should at least begin to decompose the annual plan and implement the responsibilities of staff up.

Enterprise performance appraisal system must be design, performance management given the responsibility of line managers, line managers and employees to communicate performance indicators, together with the staff to study the design of indicators which can better help employees complete their job duties, contribute to business performance.

3, to be verifiable assessment indicators

Many companies are very vague assessment targets, with some vague and general description of the scale to evaluate employees, without any convincing. To ensure the fairness of this principle to reduce the impact of human factors, business assessment index should quantify staff, energy-oriented must be quantified, for those who can not be quantified indicators should also be verifiable. Many business-to-design performance measure that a misunderstanding that the "quantitative" assessment criteria is the only operational straw, and a firm grip. Once the encounter Human Resources, Office of the these functions, they do nothing, not the organization of writing, most of these departments assessment criteria is very difficult to quantify, so many companies in these sectors are either re-take the examination on the old road, either temporarily set aside.

In fact, the quantification of performance indicators, not the highest standards of verifiability is. Quantification is also a verifiable fact, means nothing. So, for those who do not easily quantifiable indicators, companies can also refine, process-based, behavior-based means to achieve verifiable such.

4, strengthening the process of communication

Many companies used to complete the assessment in the development of indicators, the work on the suspension of performance appraisal that is required to rate the time required to do. In fact, this is the biggest obstacle unfair. No process of communication, staff performance management for not understanding the system, nor the staff, when necessary, to provide support and assistance to their, nor the formation of performance records, then, to the assessment of the time, managers with the impression the points will be very serious phenomenon, human factors will increase, managers and staff awareness of the examination results will be there is a big difference, staff evaluation for managers will be surprised.

Therefore, managers should not be so stubborn belief that the so-called assessment is the assessment of the time to rate the activities carried out in guidance, but staff in the performance cycle and sustained performance of communication, check the staff indicators of completion, and timely staff feedback, employees need to provide support and assistance, it is essential that staff performance should be recorded for future performance evaluation based on the facts.

5, the performance feedback system as a

Managers are not used to staff performance feedback, and no feedback on the performance of employees will not form a habit because managers often believe that the results do not tell the staff performance appraisal, only aggregate to the Human Resources Department on the line, there is no feedback The intention is that some managers and staff to stand so afraid of confrontation, and staff an argument affecting the working relationship.

The fear and worry can be understood, after all, the performance results will directly affect their vital interests. However, please note that our examination results are not created by the administrator, but dry out their own staff, with previous work, the staff what to do for themselves how well the heart is a number, and that examination results are In the staff's expectations, managers will be assessing the results back to employees, and employees will not only stand to the opposite side, but to the employees the impression that performance feedback is to help people to correctly understand their own performance, is to help employees improve performance, the results of performance appraisal fairness and the fairness of the assessment process will be promoted.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Foreign general manager of Intel low-key arrival in shaping China's power structure

Intel, the former Asia Pacific Marketing Director Jane Angel has a low profile last week as China, a joint general manager of Intel China's history as the first foreign female general manager.

Intel spokesman told reporters the company confirmed that the company has announced the appointment, but so far has not officially released the news to the outside world.

Jane Angel reporter's interview revealed that she will be specifically responsible for marketing, but six months before she became general manager of China will be mainly in charge of sales Lai Yit Loong.

Intel completed the transfer of power in China

Analysts believe that China simply as joint general manager Angel means that Intel's new power structure in China has basically formed.

From October 1, 2000 start time in more than four years, Yang has sole power in charge of Intel China, China's regional and solely responsible for sales, marketing departments concerned.

Earlier this year, Malaysian Lai Yit Loong Yang started with the common position as General Manager of China, which is "TwoInOneBox" (dual-in-one) mode for the first time applied in China, but also seen as Yang fade a power core Intel China signal.

In mid-last month, Yang was jointly announced the appointment of General Manager of Asia Pacific, and John Antone, general manager of Asia-Pacific region together with the original charge of Asia-Pacific region. The outside world once thought that Lai Yit Loong will monopolize power in China.

The simple representation of Angel once again confirmed a pattern of dictatorial power in the Intel China has become history. Her previous job as director of marketing for Intel's Asia-Pacific region, has 11 years at Intel as a variety of marketing positions, including: Intel's director of global marketing strategy, marketing director of Intel Japan, the company channels and product marketing managers, and is responsible for channel activities, global business development manager.

The new brand slogan also appeared

According to Intel insiders, in addition to CEO, COO and other posts, Intel in many key management positions in other practice "double-in-one" model is the general trend.

Intel began two years ago decided to except Europe, Japan emerging markets outside the mature markets to implement its unique management style. In Intel's view, emerging markets such as China, India, Russia occupying the proportion of Intel's overall sales increased year by year, overall sales of Intel's contribution also will increase.

Concern is with the simple appearance of the Angel at the same time also includes Intel's new brand slogan "I have a Intel." Jane Angel said, is a popular slogan of "Intelinside" will be complemented by efforts to highlight the feeling of a private-owned.

Jane Angel in talking about knowledge of the Chinese market when our reporter that China has become the world's second largest market for Intel, she will work within the shortest time in China surpassed the U.S. as Intel, the world's largest market.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Semiconductor India vied with New Deal

The Chinese government is encouraging the development of the semiconductor industry to wait for the new No. 18 paper comes at first to the Indian government issued its first investment in the semiconductor industry awards program, which makes China and India formed in the semiconductor field a competitive situation, and make new 18 documents will be announced once again become the industry focus.

Transfer of industry experience, "the showstopper"

Recently, the focus of competition in the Indian IT transfer to the semiconductor industry.

Fuse is the Government of India on February 22 announced the promulgation of the first investment in the semiconductor industry award programs: the special economic zones in India and invest in the semiconductor industry, 10 years can enjoy a discount of 20% of the cost of subsidies, and enjoy other incentives. At the SAR outside the semiconductor industry in the next 10 years, India will provide 25% of the cost of benefits.

Although the details of this new deal should be announced later, but their Chinese counterparts have been tantamount to a "blockbuster."

You know, after being the focus of the global semiconductor manufacturing shift to China, has been put into operation more than 20 IC production line "in short supply." India's move is tantamount to a Cheng Yaojin popped half way, it stopped at those who have left or plan to rush ahead of Chinese investors, said: Come to me, you will get an unexpected surprise.

"Spoiler" effect has been seen. According to "Time Ventures," Chairman Ma Kai Yuan introduced, they are to invest in a 6-inch wafer overseas acquisitions have been very successful in a number of bidders in the "considerable advantage", can not think of a crucial moment in the negotiations, "a The bid team from India frequently visit Silicon Valley, has repeatedly expressed desire to buy, bid prices are rising. "

Seriousness of the problem does not stop there. According to reports, "In the past few months, several major semiconductor chip giant burst of enthusiasm for the Indian market, AMD, Microsoft has decided to shot, and more eager to potential investors." Indian media is excited to announced that Samsung, fly Sika Er, Motorola, Intel, Infineon, STMicroelectronics and Toshiba are India, "potential investors."

Indeed, China has never placed in the eyes of India's hardware. People who do not know, "India's software and hardware in China?" Moreover, "China's advantage of the hardware to India, China, India is far greater than the advantages of software." I interviewed three years ago to India, away including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Haidelama including 6 cities, one of the deepest impression is its hardware manufacturing and infrastructure, as there backward. Bangalore annual exhibition, the scale and impact of its kind in the country show called the most, which is hard to find IT hardware manufacturers figure, very few of the hardware that participating companies are also hired a small lattice Booth , by sending leaflets to attract the audience, accompanied by friends, given the evaluation of the mission hardware in India, "at least 10 years behind than China." It now seems that this ambition is not in our neighborhood, under the Sino-Indian IT "fully competing with" the advent of the era ahead, "When we pointed at the time of its software, it has been in the wars in our hardware up." Also, a shot on-line hardware industry in the heart - the semiconductor industry.

Chinese counterparts very anxious

India Semiconductor introduced the New Deal, the Chinese semiconductor industry Flanagan touched sensitive nerves - industrial policy, the industry complained that many of the Chinese government: a policy of preferential margins not complain; two complain is not strong operational policy, most companies have no benefits; three delays introduction of the new policy grievances. "If the state do not put the New Deal, our association will represent the company to negotiate with Beijing." Shanghai Integrated Circuit Association, said the Secretary-General Jiang Shougui mine.

In fact, the problem with the development point of view, any policy of what is unavoidable shortcomings. Introduced in 2000 to "encourage the development of software and IC industry, a number of policy" (that is, the State Council document No. 18), read from the conditions at that time, had the greatest extent reflects the Government's support for the semiconductor industry, is in this document Encouraged by China's semiconductor industry have had from 2000 to 2005 a rapid pace. But as a phased policy, on the 18th document also some loosely, for example, it provided tax rebate is based on the conditions (tax = VAT / sales) to inspect, while most of China's chip companies as profits lower tax burden is difficult to document in the prescribed 3%, thus not enjoy the benefits of preferential policies. In addition, it imposed 17% import tariff chip, leaving chip makers practice in the Mainland to enjoy 14% tax rebate on, this one has been criticized by the United States that required with the WTO "national treatment" contrary to. Although the Chinese Ministry of Commerce said the United States confused the term "tax" and "tax" concept, "is based on the wrong logic in accordance with the error out of a wrong conclusion," but after the two sides reached a memorandum of understanding is that China canceled preferential tax measures, the U.S. is to withdraw lawsuits. April 2004, 18, two key documents in support of measures helpless halt.

Ministry of Information Industry Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Center Qiushan Qin, deputy director, said recently in an interview that "the state attaches great importance to the 18th file in solving domestic problems in the chip industry, a more complete document on the 18th the new development has long been brewing into. "

In fact, the new contents of the file 18 already on the Internet travels uproar, such as "five five half-free" policy, that is, the annual profit from the semiconductor industry began, the first 1 to 5-year exemption from income tax, 6 to 10 years of tax law can be stretched to 2020; addition, there are special funds of the upcoming news. Many indications that national support for the semiconductor industry will only increase, not decrease. "India's preferential rate may not catch up with China," said Xue-Ming Yang semiconductor experts.

The problem now is that the domestic semiconductor manufacturers waiting for the "new document 18" in the end when baked? Earlier, the previous news that the new document will be No. 18 issued by the end of 2005, and later changed to 2006, from the beginning to the end of the year is expected to delay enactment, have passed more than two months have passed in 2007, the New Deal far not appeared, Querang India grabbed the first prize in the semiconductor New Deal, which took so many of China's investment in the eye originally.

The first quarter is expected to introduce the New Deal?

The introduction of the New Deal on China's semiconductor time, the reporter heard the latest version is "expected to put the first quarter of 2007." This is the January 18 meeting in Shanghai Pudong "global semiconductor industry summit in China", the Ministry of Information Industry Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Center Qiushan Qin, deputy director of the information disclosed in the lecture.

Qiushan Qin said, this will be the State Development and Reform Commission promulgated the "Regulations encourage the semiconductor industry," and 18, there are several different documents, one will not refund value-added tax, instead of using the special fund to support policies to increase support, while exports Some tax rebate tax preferential policies still; second is the "five five half-free," while 18 documents only three years after the first two years of half-free; The third difference is reflected in the New Deal is a comprehensive support policy including R & D funds, tax incentives, training, income distribution and import and export, and finance. "The new policy document for the original 18 is not a simple replacement, but an extension of its foundation, the state '11 5' on the integrated circuit during an integrated and comprehensive industrial policy."

As to why the delay in introduction of the New Deal, the source explained: "One important reason is to rise to the legal aspects of the New Deal," Development and Reform Commission is responsible for this policy, the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Information Industry, Ministry of Commerce, State Administration of Taxation, Customs Department, the need for policy content of the second instance, third instance, "of which there are many problems to solve," said Xu Xiatian Secretary-General of China Semiconductor Association. "Efforts to support the key size is not the key to compliance with the rules. Must be permitted in the rules within the support," senior analyst at Analysys International is also the case of Zhao Yazhou.

Qiu Shanqin in an interview fully affirmed the "State support" in the semiconductor industry's important role: whether the United States, Europe or Japan, Korea, the semiconductor industry does not rely on government support without which develops, not a single government on this important industry faire policy. Even if the same country, in the semiconductor industry will develop at different stages of development of different support policies. The Chinese government of course, aware of the article, "China's chip manufacturing business in the second half of this year to usher in a new policy of good times."

Edit Comment: Shangju Do not panic

Over the past few years, IT often say one sentence: "Now is not 澶ч奔鍚冨皬楸? but the fast fish eat slow fish." Means that the IT industry has been the ratio of the size of the period, and enter into the stage than the speed.

Words used in the current Sino-Indian competition in the semiconductor industry should also be very suitable.

In the software industry, we have half a beat too slow, this half a beat for us to trace the 10 years of fear; in the semiconductor industry, we have a little bit faster, once it was a little proud, but now, India is the first to introduce a more attractive preferential policies, which really let us unprepared. So industry has a little afraid, afraid of being the first to India again. This is actually a good thing, that we are a strong sense of competition.

However, it should be worth not to panic the moment, the new document has been planned for a long time on the 18th, and now also can, according to the Indian it better and more advanced, and investors will have a wait and see and compare the process, as long as the government well-thought- sometimes even more striking advantage.


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Monday, August 2, 2010

National Social Security card can break the ice in the Yangtze River Delta region

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently released "State Golden Card Project National IC card application (2008-2013) development plan" put forward, the next 5 years, China's social security card to the "National General." Then there will be a nationwide network of old-age, medical care, social security and other matters "Shenzhouxing."

"Social Security Card," and this will help to break the geographical barriers of the policy vision, the materials, transportation, personnel, information flow and close coordination in the high speed of the Yangtze River Delta, will take the lead in ice?

"City effect" can not do without "social insurance exchange"

Not long ago, Shanghai 129 bus will replace a new POS machines to accept from Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Yangtze River Delta cities, traffic card. Currently in Yangtze River Delta, one relying on the transportation cards, "Transit Circle" has begun to take shape. Shanghai local transport card carrying members of the public, not only in Suzhou, Wuxi, Changshu, take the bus Cheong Hang in Fuyang, Hangzhou, also in the "fight." Interoperability is not just traffic. Figures show the other provinces the number of households and enterprises in Shanghai registered capital, respectively, 30% and 50% from the Yangtze River Delta region; Shanghai's domestic economic cooperation projects, with about four percent of Jiangsu, Zhejiang cooperation. In the capital, talent, technology, the rapid flow of information, the Yangtze River Delta in the "city effect" is becoming increasingly prominent. "City" Lacks Anything? Deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Development and Reform Commission Reform Institute, NLD Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Municipal Cheng Shao said that in recent years of "settling in Kunshan, Shanghai office" model of the "City" has been "live" and " line "on the essay, as now, social security has become a livelihood exchange" ultimate threshold. " Cheng Shao believes that demand conditions the Yangtze River Delta region the first in China to achieve social security card interoperability. On the one hand, Shanghai is relatively abundant medical resources should serve the Yangtze River Delta; the other hand, a number of Shanghai residents purchase housing in the neighboring city, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, there are still some areas of origin of people choose to retire to his home to live their retirement, medical treatment have yet to be to achieve interoperability.

"Wuxi Shanghai Cooperation" opened off exchange

Shanghai is the first to introduce social security card of the city. From 1999 to last year, Shanghai has issued a total of 11.12 million social security card, covering the permanent residents and to Shanghai, application areas include labor and social security, public security, civil affairs, provident fund, medical insurance, health, education, voter registration and military service Its function will be to the "electronic wallet" to expand. In implementing the first five years, in July 2003, a "Shanghai and Wuxi on the realization of the two" social security card "interoperability framework of cooperation agreement" signed between the two cities. Agreement, "In view of the Xihu very frequent personnel exchanges between the two, both from the convenience of the public exchange of human resources, remote extraction of pension, medical billing and other services using the social security card point of view", will promote interoperability between social security card. Under the agreement, borne by the Shanghai social security card system construction in Wuxi. CPPCC Standing Committee, Democratic League of the Shanghai Municipal Director Zheng Huiqiang that the "Shanghai Wuxi cooperation," the implementation of the project marks the experience of Shanghai social security card was successfully applied to other large and medium cities in the Yangtze River Delta, and software algorithms and interlinked nature of technology platforms, but also the future of networking for the two common foundation. September 2005, Wuxi City, the official social security card system, a project put into operation, the system covers all citizens, "life information", the end of last year, total fat,

Up about 1.5 million social security card. Start this year, "Phase II", Shanghai will also produce 200,000 Wuxi ramped up health insurance student card.

Still need to open three "bayonet"

Cheng Shao frankly, from the Yangtze River Delta cities to promote the current situation, "social security card" of progress is still "slow." To do this, open as soon as possible following the three "bayonet." , "Bayonet" is one of the technical standards throughout the different. Lack of overall consideration and planning are still inadequate interoperability, now mostly in small cities within the unified standards and technologies, creating a number of "small circle", such as using integrated circuit technology, Hangzhou, Jiaxing, a "multi-purpose smart cards" Ningbo, Taizhou, Shaoxing, Huzhou, technical standards rely on the banking system, and Shanghai, Wuxi and they are another. Cheng Shao said that as an increasingly significant problem, at present these "all into one group," the standards are still being vigorously promoted around, it will communicate the next docking additional transition costs that may arise "format war" will hinder the region integration steps. , "Bayonet" The second difference is the policy constraints. Cheng Shao said to Medicare, for example, the treatment around the level of financial subsidies are quite different interests of the difficult balance. For example, take the medical insurance card to Shanghai Jiaxing settlement, want a higher health insurance treatment, Shanghai will be happy to pay for it? The cost of health insurance benefit level is rigid or can be, not down, otherwise it will give local residents dissatisfied, however, to go from low to high city will face a higher threshold for treatment. "Cost range of interest is not so, there is no basis for docking, convergence will encounter resistance."

, "Bayonet" The third is the lack of institutional mechanisms. Cheng Shao said the "bayonet" In the final analysis is due to co-ordinate, the lack of coordination mechanisms, the current triangle has been established to promote exchange of relevant transportation card coordinating body, but the social security card of the exchange has not specialized agency responsible for promoting. In the absence of leading and coordinating side, around the time inevitably limited by the implementation of administrative division and fragmentation, resulting in less sharing, exchange of small, less from the situation. Zheng Huiqiang that, to serve as the positioning of the Shanghai Yangtze River Delta, Yangtze River Delta social security card should be actively promoted the establishment of coordination mechanisms, and show initiative to align the posture, so that the next generation social security card machines compatible with surrounding cities.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wang Donglin scholars founder Nankai students

Wang Donglin scholars founder Nankai students

Beijing Scholar Digital Technology Co., Ltd., founder and chairman Wang Donglin

Wang Donglin fresh age of 15 were recommended for admission to the Department of Computer Science, Nankai University, 19-year-old began to engage in IT research and development of cutting-edge technology, is the pioneer of digital document technology, has been dubbed the Zhongguancun "four kings" of the "Chinese digital technology Wang. "

In 1995, Wang Donglin independent digital paper technology developed than similar foreign technology is only two years behind, and to scholars founded the company in 1996. The hardships experienced business from scratch, the scholar, the company relies on advanced technology in the field of e-government and the success of digital libraries is being extended to more areas of application, by "Fortune" magazine as China's most noteworthy companies in the future one.

In addition to technology and business and achieve great success, the Wang Donglin also very enthusiastic about public welfare. Scholar, founded in 1999 dedicated to no economic research center, but there is great social value of basic scientific research, organized in 1997 "IT Salon" is the key industry of the informal exchange of IT activities, ten years on end to support Chun academic The "Campus" magazine, and adhere to each reviewer in person. During the 2003 SARS outbreak, China's Wang Donglin organized dozens of the industry's biggest names given IT initiative, called on all IT people to join to the struggle against SARS.

"Let the message out of paper binding, leading the society into the digital age", which is both a scholar's slogan, is the professional ideals Wang Donglin.

Wang Donglin the national e-government standards for members of the general group of experts. He has received outstanding private technology entrepreneur in China, the first young entrepreneurs in Beijing, Zhongguancun ten outstanding entrepreneurs, information technology pioneer in Beijing, "Light of Science" the honorary title of Outstanding Entrepreneur.

Wang Donglin never think of self-employment, but the development of products to do their own due to market acceptance comes naturally to establish the company.

Reporter Liu Renhui

In Beijing from a not very eyes in the office, had just been "Fortune" as one of the most noteworthy scholar, founder, chairman Wang Donglin small office seem a bit unusual. Bookcase no books, newspapers and the table has not seen the paper trail, only associated with the modern office is the table for a desktop, a laptop computer.

"Our business focus is to use digital technology to replace paper applications." He said, "that is set up with digital technology platform, the application of traditional paper-based e-." Office layout just reflects this idea.

Occasionally venture

Scholar's 2003 revenues of nearly 100 million yuan in 2004, Wang Donglin determined to reach 1 billion, but today the existence and the identity of their own business, still made him feel a bit surprised.

"I have not thought of business, it's not like some of those yes Chuang Ye Xian Gong Si find to do next," he said, "I was in the Zuo Zi Ji products developed O'clock Youyushoudao market's Jie Naer comes naturally established itself in the. "

The summer of 1989, Wang Donglin computer science from Nankai University, after graduation, went to Beijing Zhongguancun in programming and soon joined the Great Wall Group, a subsidiary of software development. In 1993, he resigned to become a freelance, day by programming a living.

In 1994, Wang Donglin developed an electronic document delivery system software, I did not expect the country's banking system, popular, and he is still in this area for their software development capability pride, "In China, I am afraid that is the previous Name it. " In consideration of national government departments have the same hope that the paper documents into electronic files, set up in 1996 Wang Donglin scholars companies, business direction is digital information.

After several years of hard work, in April 2001, while the student was eventually the company's electronic document system, the State Council designated as the national government agencies to carry out paperless document transmission of standard products, all at once for the scholar to bring more than 10,000 users. At present, the scholar of the system has been occupied more than 90% market share.

Specialization and Diversification

Although including electronic documents, including e-business now accounts for more than half of the revenue the company, but Wang Donglin view, scholars reflect the company's core competencies in digital paper technology, which features a computer simulation of paper capacity, electronic Official business only a specific application of this technology. He said: "We want to develop expertise around this diverse market."

In this line of thought under the guidance of scholars started after 2000 Digital Library, "Digital library is a huge number of information industry of opportunity." Scholars through the "Home of the Digital Library scholar solution", "scholar 21dmedia digital publishing solutions," and other technologies to help put books into electronic books, and then operating these e-books. So far, more than 500 publishers nationwide with more than 300 have been signed on as partners.

As the consumer market has not yet started, so far no scholar digital library public services. "But we are ready to open to the public next month eBook business." Wang Donglin said.

However, he also understands that the internet now has a number of diverse electronic library, and many no charge, "Dan Women have a very large content resources, and Ge Fa's Qudao remain Shishigengxin is the Internet's Mianfeiziyuan unmatched . "

Although Wang Donglin that business activity is constant innovation. Business in 2004 scholars from the two product lines will expand to eight product lines, but a scholar, "only do things their own good." Wang Donglin had refused to develop a value of 10 million yuan in the office automation project, due to "do one thing if the company's future and long-term development of little help, the value is significantly impaired."

Peeping Founder Software

Having been "inadvertently pioneering" Wang Donglin, the business process is often little sense of accomplishment who have had the seemingly strong peer-to appreciate the balance of power changes to the. "Not long ago, when attending a show, I do not come to the Founder of the booth, thought it went a scholar of the booth, the direction of Founder of the product market is almost entirely copied from us." He believes that Founder has now become a follower, "in digital paper this new industry, if not we lead the way, the software early death of the Founder. "

But this feeling and very different than when just business. A few months later established in the scholar, Wang Donglin riding the bus with the recruitment of staff to the Zhongguancun play. When you see the Founder's Building, the staff sighed, and when our companies are so impressive enough.

"I was feeling is high in the clouds Founder is elusive." Wang Donglin said, "then we are developing products compatible with the Founder to with Founder Founder similar but cheaper than a selling point."

However, different from the past, today's scholars. "I do not dare say I would like to acquire Founder of software," Wang Donglin the attempts of some low-key, but the competition could not conceal the upper hand gesture, "Founder of our profits over the profits of the software." Founder Electronics and scholars associated with the company's business strong, Founder electronic publishing industry, the majority of customers are scholars of potential customers.

Although Wang Donglin confident the company's future development, "but because of our previous dealings with clients are government agencies or the library and information institutions, not the face of the mass market, brand communication path is limited, so brand recognition is not high." Recent years, as a scholar is prepared to e-government, digital libraries expand the market when the public felt the brand limitations issue.

In addition, as a private entrepreneur, Wang Donglin think outside the system still suffered many injustices business. "For example, the National Library in the development of digital libraries, will cost taxpayers Ji Geyi without bidding money with us in the same competition. But they ultimately did not impact on the market." He expressed frustration "We simply can not start from bank loans, can only rely on their own accumulation came step by step." By 2003, business 7 years Wang Donglin only got the first venture capital 16 million yuan.

Ten cutting-edge business, "torture"

"Financial Times": free financing if you start a business, you need at least how much? Where will vote?

Wang Donglin: high-tech investment will be certainly in the software market, do what I do now, this one, after all, I am familiar with this technology. How much money in the end, it depends on the market. For example I had very few competitors in business when the market, by selling their products almost no start-up capital I survive. But today the situation is entirely different market, the threshold increases, and inputs also high.

"Financial Times": How old is ready to leave in shopping malls?

Wang Donglin: 35-year-old had planned to quit before, but now seems impossible. However, I will gradually reduce the management of its work, the strategies put in more.

"Financial Times": If you are a policy decision makers, you will formulate any policy to support your industry?

Wang Donglin: first of all, I hope the Government for the growth of entrepreneurial businesses soil, creating a level playing field, rather than just take care of Star Enterprise, do not care about the seed business. Of course the Government to foster entrepreneurial firms are not only covered in the Zhongguancun high office, but in the loans, financing and so on for a number of seed companies to provide real convenience.

Secondly, I hope the Government will take measures to protect copyrighted software, even if not completely stop this behavior, also must be licensed software. But now some government departments to use pirated software.

"Financial Times": the golden age of entrepreneurship in your heart is how old?

Wang Donglin: 25 years old to 30 years. We do this line, 30 years old and is very old, when I was a 26-year-old business.

"Financial Times": If one day your bankruptcy, you get nothing, you will do?

Wang Donglin: to venture also will no longer depend on reality. But I do not feel about bankruptcy, at least I have the opportunity to large companies to serve as Chief Information Officer (CIO) or the like, even if it can live.

"Financial Times": now give you a well-known to his assistant manager you are, you will choose?

Wang Donglin: I think their strategy since there is some talent, so I hope to find an implementation of the ability of people to help me. Of course, the people of modern business management have a deep understanding, very familiar with the Chinese market.

"Financial Times": the need for many years to become the industry first?

Wang Donglin: In China, we have an industry first. I am concerned about is the position in the world, such as 10 years of what can become a world leader.

"Financial Times": you venture into this industry who have any suggestions?

Wang Donglin: First of all, to understand where their competence, focus on the competitiveness of the investment would be equivalent to have to rely on in the market; Second, select market have market capacity; 鍐嶆, the threshold should be chosen profession Yi Ding, otherwise lead to disorderly competition and price war; Finally, we must remain innovative, but to the premise of the daily operation of the community. For example, we are now the value of digital paper technology is able to seamlessly with the paper, because people have been accustomed to using paper.


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Monday, June 7, 2010

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Swift DVD to RMVB is the best RealMedia converter software. easy convert Real Media files(.rm, .rmvb) to AVI, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, VCD, SVCD, DVD files. convert RM/RMVB to AVI DIVX XVID MPEG VCD SVCD DVD and burn to DVD/CD. You can change the codec/system type to PAL or NTSC, and adjust the video size of the output files . It supports to convert almost all video, such as: RM to AVI, RM to DIVX XVID, RM to MPEG-1, RM to MPEG-2, RM to WMV, RM to VCD, RM to DVD, RM to PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video...

Support convert AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, file to MPEG with all encode format such as VCD PAL/NTSC, SVCD PAL/NTSC, DVD PAL/NTSC, MPEG-1 standard, MPEG-2 standard etc. Support convert AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, file to AVI with all encode format such as DIVX, XVID, Mircosoft MPEG-4 etc.

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Youtube to MOV Program

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Youtube Video Download + Converter Store

It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

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It's most popular and very easy to use YouTube tools. helps you Fast download, convert, play, manage your favorite YouTube videos. If you're a YouTube fan, you'll love YouTube tool! is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet. YouTube tool easily: 1. Fast downloads YouTube videos, 2. Supports unlimited simultaneous downloads (a real time saver!), 3. Automatically names the downloaded video the same as the YouTube title, 4. Converts YouTube videos to various video formats, including Video, DVD, VCD, AVI, MPG, MPEG, Divx, Xvid, WMV, RM, RMVB, MOV, MP4, 3GP, SWF, DAT, H264, VOB, Flash, PDA, M4V, 3G2, AMV, CDA, DV,QuickTime, ASX, TV, VHS, FLV, H264, BDMV, MAC, Apple TV, Zune, iPod, PDA, PSP, PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Mobile Phone, Cell Phone, Blackberry, Wii, Laptops, Printers, Palm OS, Pocket PC, PPC, Treo, Psion, EPOC, iphone.
Easily Convert all popular video formats. Provides the highest speed to download YouTube video. Support unlimited simultaneous downloading tasks. Supports auto-name your downloaded video title as the YoutTube page shows. Offers you the most convenient task management and the easiest control capability. About Conversion Features. - is the most powerful YouTube assistant on the planet.

Recommand Link:

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